The last year has been… long. But I’m currently sitting in my hotel room after a great two week holiday in Italy and a lovely four day conference in Brittany (where I won a poster prize, of all things) so I have a bit of time to go over all of the stuff I’ve written over the past year or so.
If you’re interested in a list of everything I’ve written over the last year, here’s a complete rundown:
- In September I went to the Labour Party conference to represent Scientists for Labour, which I’m on the committee for. It was an amazing experience and I wrote about it here. With this year’s conference shaping up to be… interesting, it might be worth seeing a bit of how last year’s went.
- For UCL’s Pi Media society I wrote this post on their blog about the winner of last year’s physics Nobel Prize, and why he also sort of has an Oscar!
- I contributed to an article in Astronomy and Geophysics magazine about the outreach work I did last year. It’s behind a paywall (I’m sure if you google around you can find a certain academic literature piracy site that can help you solve that problem) but the link is here.
- I’m still doing work for Chalkdust magazine, including contributing to features, proofreading articles, and wearing the t-shirt on holiday so I can send nice snaps to the crew! Here’s me in St. Malo, Brittany, during the conference excursion to the town.
- In terms of writing for Chalkdust, in March’s edition of the magazine, I had a cute, tongue-in-cheek, one-page article about machine learning.
- For the Chalkdust blog in June I had a piece about numerical integration.
- And yeah I also wrote… this. I’m actually kind of pleased with how it turned out, despite not really wanting to write it and only doing so to vent my feelings. Check it out if you want but be warned as it’s long and kind of personal.
On the academic side of things, two papers I contributed to about the outreach work I did last year were published. Links to them are here and here, and they’re open access so you don’t need to worry about any paywalls. I have a small paper about my actual PhD work in press, and I’m writing this little thing I’m calling a “thesis” which should hopefully be done by this time next year!
That’s all for now. See you soon!